There are some things in life that will always be debated. What it comes down to is the motive and the end-result of a product, person or ideology. Does it create good or does it ultimately lead to harm? These are the questions we have used in our own journey to pure skincare at Africa Grace. Here are some good thinking points to help you on your own skincare journey:
1: Natural beauty products are bioavailable.
Ingredients occuring naturally within plants and herbs are beautifully designed to be adaptable to the skin’s surface – they enter and do GOOD and provide consistent nourishment, protection and rehabilitation. Synthetic products cannot achieve these goals and always disrupt the skin’s acid-alakaline balance, along with other nasty side-effects.
2: Natural beauty products do not contain harmful chemicals.
Most women don’t care to read up on some of the chemicals found beauty products. If we did, we would be shocked, outraged and promise to never again expose our skins or the health of our families to such things. However, most of us do not know. Some of these chemicals include formaldehyde, parabens (which can cause cancer), and even lead and mercury.
3: Natural Beauty Products Are Kinder to the Environment, Do Not Harm Animals and Better Protect the Social Fabric of our Communities
We all know that the majority of big beauty brands test on animals, yet we choose to turn away from the reality of animal testing. We also know that the kinds of messages that big “unnatural” brands make are harmful for women’s (and men’s) self-esteem, and ultimately the social fabric of our world. We also know that there ARE viable options to replace the synthetic-saturated brands we have been buying for years.
Think about it. What choice will you make?
Africa Grace provides a complete skincare solution for women, men and the family. We also provide health and skincare support for our clients to learn to understand and “love the skin you’re in.”
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